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AMANS Qualified List of Investigators – Municipal Code of Conduct

The following is a list of investigators qualified through the Association of Municipal Administrators, Nova Scotia (AMANS) request for qualification (RFQ) process that closed on January 17, 2025.

AMANS worked with its internal Procurement Committee to evaluate all submissions received. Committee members evaluated each proposal and then met to form a consensus on each proponent. The ten listed organizations were qualified.

Unless otherwise indicated, all investigators met the Procurement Committee’s evaluation thresholds for criteria related to investigations including corporate/financial, legal/adjudication, and human resources (HR). Each investigator has indicated capacity to administer potential complaints. Should a municipal unit choose to use this list, they will need to verify with the potential investigator if there may be capacity limits with client onboarding.

AMANS has not entered into either a Contract or an Agreement with any of the qualified investigators. The investigators included on this list have been vetted through an internal AMANS RFQ procurement process. It will be the municipal unit’s responsibility when determining an appropriate investigator as well as facilitating the process of entering into any Contract or Agreement should the municipality choose to use an investigator on the list. Municipal units should also consider potential internal conflicts of interest if they choose to select a qualified investigator from the list.

AMANS may expand the list at a later point in time by re-issuing the RFQ. AMANS will inform members of any potential changes to the list of qualified investigators as they come forward.

If you have any questions about the list of qualified investigators, criteria when using the list, or on the RFQ process, please reach out to David Campbell, AMANS Executive Director at (902) 423-2215 x8 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


BDO Canada LLP

Caroline Dixon

Partner, Forensic Disputes & Investigations

6940 Mumford Road, Suite 510

Halifax, NS B3L 0B7

Tel: (250) 837-5225

Stewart McKelvey

Rick Dunlop


Queens Marque, 600-1741 Lower Water Street

Halifax, NS B3J 0J2

Tel: (902) 420-3384

Burchell MacDougall LLP

Charles A. Thompson


710 Prince Street

Truro, NS B2N 5H1

Tel: (902) 896-7543

Taylor McLellan Cochrane

Jonathan G. Cuming

Managing Partner

50 Bridge Street

Kentville, NS B4N 2E4

Tel: (902) 678-6156 x234  

Burchell Wickwire Bryson LLP

Noella Martin


1900-1801 Hollis Street

Halifax, NS B3J 3N4

Tel: (902) 482-7013

Bardsley Investigative Services

(HR matters only)

Claudine Bardsley


2733 Deacon Street

Halifax, NS B3L 3J2

Tel: (902) 293-5052

MC Advisory Group Inc.

Tanya Tynski

Senior Advisor

1969 Upper Water Street, Suite 1300

Halifax, NS B3J 3R7

Tel: (902) 598-7423

Mobile Resources Group Inc.

(HR matters only)

Tracey Williams MSW

Senior Workplace and Human Rights Investigator

3020 Monaghan Drive

Halifax, NS B3K 0G3

Tel: (902) 266-3040

Nijhawan McMillan & Conlon Barristers

Kelly McMillan


200-5162 Duke Street

Halifax NS B3J 1N7

Tel: (902) 407-2406

Power HR Inc.

(HR matters only)

Susan Power

Founder & CEO

22 Chelmsford Place

Halifax, NS B3M 4R2

Tel: (902) 719-6662