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Kim Ramsay
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the District of East Hants
15 Commerce Court
Elmsdale, NS B2S 3K5
Tel: (902) 883-7098 ext. 217
Victoria Brooks
Vice President
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the District of Yarmouth
932 Highway #1
Hebron, NS B5A 5Z5
Tel: (902) 742-7159
Mike Dolter
Past President
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Truro
695 Prince Street
Truro, NS B2N 1G5
Tel: (902) 895-4484
Leanne MacEachen
Secretary / Treasurer
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the County of Victoria
495 Chebucto St
Baddeck, NS B0E 1B0
Tel: (902) 295-3654
Marian Fraser
Director of Finance/Treasurer
Municipality of the District of St. Mary's
8269 Highway # 7
Sherbrook, Nova Scotia B0J 3C0
Tel: (902) 522-2049
Representing: Antigonish/Guysborough Region
Adam Clarkson
Director of Corporate Services
Municipality of the District of East Hants
15 Commerce Court
Elmsdale, NS B2S 3K5
Tel: (902) 883-2299
Representing: Colchester/East Hants Region
Jennifer Collins
Supervisor Water Utility
Cape Breton Regional Municipality
320 Esplanade
Sydney, NS B1P 7B9
Tel: (902) 563-5200
Representing: Cape Breton Region
Greg Herrett
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the County of Cumberland
6 Main Street
Springhill, NS B0M 1X0
Tel: (902) 597-3751
Representing: Cumberland Region
Lisa MacDonald
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of New Glasgow
111 Provost St
New Glasgow, NS B2H 5E1
Tel: (902) 755-7788
Representing: Pictou Region
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communication
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
10 Allée Champlain Drive
Cookville, NS B4V 9E4
Tel: (902) 541-1328
Representing: South Shore Region
Jennifer West
Deputy Clerk
Town of Kentville
354 Main Street
Kentville NS B4N 1K6
Tel: (902) 679-2500
Representing: Valley Region
Keith MacDonald
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the County of Inverness
375 Main St.
Port Hood, NS B0E 2W0
Tel: (902) 787-2274
Representing: Victoria, Richmond & Inverness Region
Breton Murphy
Managing Director
Corporate Communications,
Chief Administrative Office
Halifax Regional Municipality
Tel: (902) 490-6198
Representing: Metro Region
Brenda Chisholm-Beaton
Town of Port Hawkesbury
Tel: (902) 625-7893
Representing: Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities
Thomas Martin
First Year MPA Student
School of Public Administration
Dalhousie Faculty of Management
Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building
6100 University Ave, PO BOX 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2
Representing: Dalhousie School of Public Administration
Representing: South Western Shore Region