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Become a Member

To become an AMANS member please fill out a membership application form. Membership dues are based on the type of membership that is applied for. For a detailed list of our membership categories, please see below. All new memberships are charged a $15+HST processing fee, which is submitted with your membership application.

Benefits of Being an AMANS Member

Benefits of joining AMANS include, but are not limited to:

  • Access to services that serve your broader organization
  • Access to Policy advice, best practices, manuals, & resources
  • Ability to participate in the Municipal Website Venture
  • Access to our Wellness Program resources
  • Access to our membership listserv, which provides a platform for idea generation and question forum
  • Training and professional development to improve your professionalism and skills as a government employee
  • Discounts for training and conferences
  • Opportunities to network with other municipal staff
  • Belonging to an organization that is dedicated to excellence in municipal administration

Membership Categories

Full Member $340

A Full Member is a person who is employed by, or under contract with a rural or regional municipality, town or village and is a municipal manager. Municipal Managers are defined as leaders and decision-makers who have the knowledge and understanding of governmental, political and community systems. A municipal manager is charged with responsibilities that pertain to the administration of Council policies, inter-governmental relations and/or the delivery of programs that are directly related to the operation and/or delivery of services at the municipal government level.

Associate Member $290

An Associate Member is a person who does not qualify as a Full Member and is employed by, or under contract with a rural or regional municipality, town or village. An Associate Member can also be defined as a person who is employed by the Province of Nova Scotia, an educational institute, a quasi-municipal organization or a professional municipal association or the non-profit sector in a field that is related to municipal government.

Retired Membership $0 - $100

A Retired Member shall be an individual who is in receipt of a municipal retirement pension, or equivalent and must be fully retired from the workforce. Following retirement, if the member takes on employment for a continuous six-month period, or longer, they will no longer be qualified as a retired member. In order to qualify as a retired member you must have been an AMA member for at least five years prior to retirement. If you have been a member for more than five years, but less than 15 the cost is $100. If you have been an AMANS member for more than 15 years, prior to retirement, there is no cost associated with your membership.

Corporate Membership $465

A Corporate Membership is open to individuals not employed in municipal administration but who work closely with municipal administrators in the private sector.

Student Membership $50

A Student Member is an individual who does not qualify for a Full or Associate Membership and is enrolled in and attending a post-secondary institution on a full-time basis.

For any questions related to membership, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..